Tuesday, December 22, 2009

keep it here.. and don't say nuttn.

ambitious are we? 2 functioning blogs now? you don't even have enough time for 1! plus this one is just for kicks. why would you do that? even if you wanted to say something that's not about food, why don't you just go to one of the many blogs you started before and just post it there? what's wrong with you?

well, considering that i'm asking myself questions and answering them, a lot is wrong with me. that's ok, because a lot is wrong with everybody. but to answer your questions self, i've learned that you never have time for anything. everything you do happens because you make time to do it. and like you said, it's just for kicks, so i can post here anytime. it's not like i have to be dedicated to it like the food blog. this is just for fun.

but why though? couldn't you just go to qology or the mann blog and do the same thing? why a new blog?

firstly because it's free. but more so because what i'm doing now is different from what the old blogs are about. hell, i even disagree with some of the things that i said on the blogs. this is a different vibe. different purpose too.

and what purpose is that?

i started this because i don't want to talk to people any more.


yuh right. that came out kinda bad. let me try again. i kinda want to keep my opinions to myself. i think people in general don't like alternative views. they also take a strange comfort in ignorance. they don't like debate. they don't like to share knowledge. i on the other hand love to hear different views, and i like to test them out too... which is where the debate comes in. but it almost always never comes across like that in real life. outside of some close friends, people tend to look at these things as argument or something else that it's not. so my solution is to avoid that kind of conflict... not offer ideas, opinions or different views to people.

but isn't that kinda selfish? i mean, if you think you can help somebody, or give them some information that they probably may not have had, why not try to talk to them at least.

but isn't it equally as selfish to think that somebody wants my help? if someone really wants my input, probably they would ask for it. if not, maybe i shouldn't be concerned enough to offer it without prompting. maybe. i think the smartest thing to do would be to subscribe to that old saying "speak when you're spoken to." and not "speak when you think you have something to say."

that's a saying?

no. i just made that up. anyway, for 365 days, i'm not going to offer an opinion on anything, unless someone asks me directly for my input. the people that want it usually do. i want to see what will happen. it's really a little experiment.

and how would this experiment affect your job? your job is about offering opinions and ideas.

yeah, but they pay me to do that. so that counts as specifically asking for my opinion. nobody is paying me to give an opinion on skinny jeans or religion. so maybe i should shut up about it.

ok. i think i get you. why the blog then?

well, what i'm thinking is that i'll need an outlet. so i'll post my thoughts up here from time to time. as much as i'm moved to do so. this still offers a choice. if someone comes here, they're coming to see. they can simply not come or stop looking if they don't want my view. but coming here is subjecting to hearing my view. i'm not even going to promote this myself. i'll tell a few people about it, and if they feel to tell other people, and other people decide to come and participate, then fine. and i'm going to try to tell people that will make an input, because unlike many, i like alternative views and debate. in other words, i'm taking it online. in real life, i'll be somewhat silent.

oooooooh... hence the name.

you catch on quick.

ok... cool. well let's see how it goes. i'm hungry.

me too.

that's because you are me. you're talking to yourself remember?

oh yeah. my bad.

so lets go get some food.
and you, keep it here... and don't say nuttn.

1 comment:

  1. Is a mad scene, and I following the experiment closely. And btw, yuh comments and opinion are still welcome on Soul Reasoning. Cuz without alternative views/ lines of thought, how else do we learn? But the structure of this win (again). Chad Hall likes this...
